I have had a passion for computers since I was a kid. I started programming sometime at elementary school (I think I started with “Sams teach yourself C++ in 21 days” - would you believe it takes longer). I’ve spent years in C, C++, PHP and the web-related technologies. At the beginning my focus was games, but as time went on it’s mostly web-related apps now.

I kind of miss “the old days”, with blog-rolls and RSS and all that, so I decided to reboot my blog and see how that would be (going all-in by including an about section). Actually the reason I did this was because I can do it from org-mode, so that peaked my interest. My old blogs are lost in the ether unfortunately, so this will be a reboot.
My main interests are programming, emacs and linux, so that will probably be the focus here. I have notes all over the place, and they might as well be here instead, in a public learning kind of approach.
I currently work at Neptune Software, creating an extensible low-code platform for developers.
If you have any comments you can contact me here.